
Observation and Assessment

Shared Assessments

We observe, monitor and assess each child’s individual development to ensure they are being provided with the full range of learning opportunities appropriate to their individual developmental needs and interests.

We use iConnect Software on handheld digital devices to take ‘snapshots’ of the children throughout the day, with these moments shared with each child’s carers, following their Nursery day.

BASELINE ASSESSMENTS: Baseline Assessments are undertaken when each child joins the nursery, and we request that parents complete ‘All About My Development’ charts to help us establish each child’s individual starting point.

DEVELOPMENT CHECKS: Development Checks are completed on each child’s birthday to ensure that they are developing at the expected rates.  We share and discuss these Assessments with parents to ensure they are a true reflection of their progress and development.  Each child who enjoys a second birthday with us will be invited to our Integrated Review, which can be shared with your Health Visiting team.

TRANSITION ASSESSMENTS: We complete Transition Assessments when the children leave to go on to school to provide their new Reception Teachers with an accurate picture of their stage of development.

iCONNECT DIGITAL LEARNING JOURNEY (PARENTZONE): Each day, you will receive a notification of an observation about your child’s day with us. ParentZone also includes our Assessment reports, as well as useful information about upcoming events.



For those of you who may be interested, follow this link to see the EYFS Framework (2024) in full: EYFS 2024

We use Birth to 5 Matters to inform and support our CHILD-based Curriculum at Willow House. You can learn more about it HERE