
Fee Structure

Annual fee reviews take place every January

Government Support for Childcare comes in two main ways. Please, speak to the Office for further information.

TAX-FREE-CHILDCARE: up to £2,000 per year, available to every child.

NURSERY EDUCATION FUNDING (NEF): up to £5,506.20 per year, available at the beginning of the term following a child’s third birthday.


Please click HERE for a full Fees Document, for all fees payable.

Please note, Morning/Afternoon only sessions are only available for children in the Pre-School (final) year if they do a minimum of two other School Days.

One-off amendments to regular booking patterns incur a £3.00 administration charge per change.

PLEASE NOTE: FEE REVIEWS occur each January. However, the Nursery reserves the right to review the fees at any stage throughout the year due to increased costs beyond our control. Fee payers will receive a minimum of one month’s notice for any changes in fees.